Economic Development Initiative (EDI) Virtual Stakeholder Roundtable 6-Month Follow-Up – February 2022
Stakeholder Roundtables bring together private and public partners (e.g. Federal, State and local government partners, Veterans Service Organizations, and corporate leaders) with the goal of advancing the economic empowerment of Veterans, Service members and their families. Stakeholder Roundtables, driven by OTED, foster collaboration between stakeholders to encourage commitment to alleviate challenges in the Veteran community and provide support for pursuing sustainable public-private partnerships.
Through purposeful engagement with the VA, community members, and other agencies will find ways to offer support to Veterans. Individual breakout room topics include how to:
- Find new means for state/community outreach to let all Veterans know about benefits. Stakeholders will provide analysis for three major subcomponents: urban communities, rural communities, and suburban communities.
- Address digital access gaps for those who are not getting information because they are unable to navigate a virtual environment.
- Help Veterans develop digital literacy and pursue technical careers (i.e., Veterans without education/experience in digital/virtual mediums) by connecting them to community/state training.
- Better connect those affected by mental illness, military sexual trauma, addiction, and homelessness to benefits.
Participation is by invitation only. Stakeholders will provide program updates on action and collaboration since the six-month EDI follow-up event on September 23, 2021.